


版本发布时间: 2015-03-31 15:34:08

doctrine/DoctrineMongoODMModule最新发布版本:5.1.0(2024-01-22 15:56:56)

Build Status

The Zend Framework Integration Team is happy to announce the new release of DoctrineMongoODMModule.
DoctrineMongoODMModule 0.8.2 will be the last bugfix version with support for DoctrineModule 0.8, and in consequence, it is the last version that will support PHP 5.3. Further versions of the 0.8.* series may still be released in case of security issues.

Following issues were solved in this release:

To install this version, simply update your composer.json by using following command:

./composer.phar require "doctrine/doctrine-mongo-odm-module:0.8.2"

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