版本发布时间: 2023-06-30 04:59:20
ZachAR3/YuzuToolbox最新发布版本:3.5(2023-07-21 18:03:18)
The primary focus of this release was bug fixes + a new drop down error viewer for increased accessibility and quality of life. The change also re-adds the web-scraped version grabber for instances when the user has run out of Github API requests. The largest change however, is the branding. I decided to change the name and artwork for everything to better reflect the apps capabilities and increase the aesthetic qualities. I would recommend installing the tool through Itch (https://zachar3.itch.io/yuzutoolbox) but feel free to continue downloading these binaries as usual.
Full Changelog: https://github.com/ZachAR3/YuzuToolbox/compare/3.1...3.2
1、 Linux-YuzuToolbox.7z 49.96MB
2、 Windows-YuzuToolbox.7z 46.71MB