


版本发布时间: 2023-06-30 04:24:12

google/guava最新发布版本:v33.3.1(2024-09-24 04:55:13)


  <!-- or, for Android: -->

Jar files

Guava requires one runtime dependency, which you can download here:




Gradle Module Metadata

The Gradle team has contributed a metadata file for Guava. If you use Gradle 6 or higher, you will see better handling of two kinds of dependency conflicts, plus another small feature related to our dependencies:

Selecting the appropriate flavor

When Gradle automatically selects the newest version of Guava in your dependency graph, it will now also select the appropriate flavor (-android or -jre) based on whether you project targets Android or not. For example, if you depend on 32.1.0-android and 30.0-jre, Gradle will select 32.1.0-jre. This is the version most likely to be compatible with all your dependencies.

In the unusual event that you need to override Gradle's choice of flavor, you can do so as follows:

dependencies.constraints {
  implementation("") {
    attributes {
        objects.named(TargetJvmEnvironment, TargetJvmEnvironment.ANDROID))

// If the above leads to a conflict error because there are additional transitive dependencies to Guava, then use:
configurations.all {
  resolutionStrategy.capabilitiesResolution.withCapability("") {
    select(candidates.find { it.variantName.contains("android") })
Reporting dependencies that overlap with Guava

If your dependency graph contains the very old google-collections or the hacky listenablefuture, Gradle will now report that those libraries contain duplicates of Guava classes. When this happens, you'll need to tell Gradle to select Guava:

configurations.all {
  resolutionStrategy.capabilitiesResolution.withCapability("") {
  // and/or
  resolutionStrategy.capabilitiesResolution.withCapability("") {
Omitting annotations at runtime

One dependency of Guava that is not needed at runtime (j2objc-annotations) is now omitted from the runtime classpath. (We may omit others in the future. See #6606.)

Other changes

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