


版本发布时间: 2023-06-28 22:51:50

solana-labs/solana-program-library最新发布版本:stake-pool-js-v1.1.4(2024-06-04 01:22:31)

New Crate

The spl-transfer-hook-interface is an interface designed for programs that wish to delegate the "transfer authority" of a token to a particular program.

When it comes to transferring tokens, you can think of the "transfer authority" simply as "the only program who is authorized to transfer this token". the spl-transfer-hook-interface defines an interface for such a program, which is then used for what's called a "permissioned transfer". The Token-2022 program has implemented this interface with its latest release and makes permissioned transfer available as a possible mint extension.

What's Changed

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