


版本发布时间: 2023-06-24 04:00:51

remix-run/react-router最新发布版本:react-router@6.19.0(2023-11-16 22:48:59)

What's Changed

JSON/Text Submissions

6.14.0 adds support for JSON and Text submissions via useSubmit/fetcher.submit since it's not always convenient to have to serialize into FormData if you're working in a client-side SPA. To opt-into these encodings you just need to specify the proper formEncType:

Opt-into application/json encoding:

function Component() {
  let navigation = useNavigation();
  let submit = useSubmit();
  submit({ key: "value" }, { method: "post", encType: "application/json" });
  // navigation.formEncType => "application/json"
  // navigation.json        => { key: "value" }

async function action({ request }) {
  // request.headers.get("Content-Type") => "application/json"
  // await request.json()                => { key: "value" }

Opt-into text/plain encoding:

function Component() {
  let navigation = useNavigation();
  let submit = useSubmit();
  submit("Text submission", { method: "post", encType: "text/plain" });
  // navigation.formEncType => "text/plain"
  // navigation.text        => "Text submission"

async function action({ request }) {
  // request.headers.get("Content-Type") => "text/plain"
  // await request.text()                => "Text submission"

⚠️ Default Behavior Will Change in v7

Please note that to avoid a breaking change, the default behavior will still encode a simple key/value JSON object into a FormData instance:

function Component() {
  let navigation = useNavigation();
  let submit = useSubmit();
  submit({ key: "value" }, { method: "post" });
  // navigation.formEncType => "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
  // navigation.formData    => FormData instance

async function action({ request }) {
  // request.headers.get("Content-Type") => "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
  // await request.formData()            => FormData instance

This behavior will likely change in v7 so it's best to make any JSON object submissions explicit with formEncType: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" or formEncType: "application/json" to ease your eventual v7 migration path.

Minor Changes

Patch Changes

Full Changelog:

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