


版本发布时间: 2023-06-23 23:12:00

ventoy/Ventoy最新发布版本:v1.0.97(2024-01-24 15:07:08)

  1. Fix the boot issue for Fedora/CentOS when file name contains special character. (#2360)
  2. Support unattended auto install for Deepin/UOS.
  3. Fix a bug that if you plug-out the USB drive during installation, Ventoy will be probabilistically installed to other disk.
  4. Correct EFI chainloader image device path. (#2397)
  5. languages.json update.

Wana boot and install OS through network (PXE)? Welcome to my new project iVentoy.

About iVentoy iVentoy is an enhanced version of the PXE server. Extremely easy to use Many advanced features x86 Legacy BIOS, IA32 UEFI, x86_64 UEFI and ARM64 UEFI mode supported 110+ common types of OS supported (Windows/WinPE/Linux/VMware) ......

About Ventoy Subscription Service Ventoy is an open source software under GPLv3 license. But Ventoy project need to pay for the server hosting, domain name, bandwidth, many USB sticks for test, large capacity of HDD (for downloading ISO files) and so on. For the better and sustainable development of Ventoy, I provide the subscription service. For details please refer:

SHA-256     2e887f24ace92596d5b7b9c21eabc8f9065bfaf43d27833bf0eac96da390114c
ventoy-1.0.93-linux.tar.gz:    a33e4856ad10b0f5fdd0de0406895dd9043cfc26385c5f8a710e352fe4d1e222
ventoy-1.0.93-livecd.iso:      0d2932d75bcd2ef63049adf173d52fdca1fdcd2058371527d52cd49b07eeea92

相关地址:原始地址 下载(tar) 下载(zip)

1、 sha256.txt 276B

2、 ventoy-1.0.93-linux.tar.gz 19.01MB

3、 ventoy-1.0.93-livecd.iso 186.52MB

4、 15.9MB
