


版本发布时间: 2023-06-20 16:07:51

alibaba/nacos最新发布版本:2.3.2(2024-04-03 14:29:50)

This release only include client part, the server part is same as 2.2.3, please directly use 2.2.3 version server.

In this release, nacos client fix leak of memory and OOM problem in some extremely rare usage and situation:

  1. Frequently create new ConfigService and shutdown old one in Application [#10555].
  2. Frequently create new NamingService and shutdown old one in Application [#10606].
  3. Frequently publish new config by ConfigService in Application [#10471].

If no these extremely rare situation, the old version still no risk.

And for other situation, If use the addressServer to find out the nacos server addresses. One Enhancement to loadbalance the grpc connection in this release: #10598 to random the first choice server address of nacos.

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