版本发布时间: 2023-05-19 20:11:52
element-plus/element-plus最新发布版本:2.9.1(2024-12-13 18:19:03)
Docs right menu tag convert (#12606 by @btea)
Components [carousel] If the carousel height is auto apply item height (#12388 by @qq282126990)
Bug fixes
Components [table] text node not have closest method (#12543 by @btea)
Components [loading] Compatible with vue3.2.0~12 (#12377 by @chenxch)
Components [tree] fix always trigger drag (#12612 by @init-qy)
Components [image] fixed lazyLoad scroll end not loading (#12596 by @cicada-ah)
Components [table-v2] Adjust the expandable (#12519 by @chenxch)
Components [upload] before-upload change data in promise (#12575 by @GenerQAQ)
Components [menu] calc slice index remove comment node (#12472 by @chenxch)
Components [input-number] add Judging if the max is greater than the min (#12741 by @zhengsixsix)
Components [tree] Fix TreeOptionProps (#12511 by @lyric-zemin)
Components [select] fix placeholder display (#11051 by @sleepyShen1989)
Components [TreeSelect] incorrect check event params (#12370 by @yujinpan)
Components [TreeSelect] checking node reset checked cache node (#12367 by @yujinpan)
Components [tree-select] incorrect selection when using
without checkbox (#12826 by @yujinpan) -
Improvement(locale) : update fa language. (#12677 by @4limirzaei)
- Components [steps] optomizate class in code (#12672 by @wzc520pyfm)