


版本发布时间: 2023-05-17 01:21:35

AbdBarho/stable-diffusion-webui-docker最新发布版本:8.2.0(2024-01-02 01:48:29)

Breaking changes

Maybe a short story:

It was shortly after stable diffusion 1.4 was announced, August of 2022, and I was really excited to try it out myself. I was surprised to see the community working on a UI for using stable diffusion.

I did not want to mess up my system setup with python, virtualenv and such. I was (and still am) learning how to use containers. So I built the webui in the container, and decided to publish it on github, maybe someone else needs it. And it took off! This web UI kept getting cool and new features, and keeping up to date was fun, challenging, and exciting.

This lasted for about 2 months, until A1111 took over. This previous UI started to get less and less users, features, and maintenance started to become harder. For months, the UI remained still with no updates, to this day, there are almost no changes anymore.

This UI was renamed to become, it was the UI that started this repo. It was a long and wonderful journey, and I am sad to see this end. Thanks to everyone who worked on this awesome project.

Deprecate Sygil in

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog:

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