


版本发布时间: 2023-05-04 22:42:05

dortania/OpenCore-Legacy-Patcher最新发布版本:2.2.0(2024-12-12 01:06:15)

This release of OpenCore Legacy Patcher 0.6.5 is primarily targeted against Rapid Security Responses introduced with macOS 13.3.1 (a). This should resolve the WindowServer crashing some users experienced, primarily on Haswell iGPU-only Macs.

Otherwise this build of OpenCore Legacy Patcher includes additional noteworthy improvements:

And many more bug fixes listed in the changelog below.

As to be expected, many of these features are still in active development. This is a community driven project, and as such we ask users to keep expectations in check and use Monterey if you encounter issues that affect you.

Full Changelog

0.6.5 Changelog (click to expand)
  • Update 3802 Patchset Binaries:
    • Resolves additional 3rd party app crashes on Metal with macOS 13.3+
    • ex: PowerPoint's "Presentation Mode"
  • Update non-Metal Binaries:
    • Resolves Safari 16.4 frozen canvas rendering
    • ex: Google Docs
  • Allow for coexistence of USB 3.0 controllers and USB 1.1 patches on macOS 13+
    • Restores USB 3.0 expansion card support on USB 1.1 machines such as MacPro5,1
  • Resolve OpenCL rendering on Nvidia Web Drivers
  • Resolve UI unable to download macOS installers on unknown models
    • ex. M2 Macs and Hackintoshes
  • Implement minimum OS check for installer creation
    • Prevents vague errors when creating Ventura installers on Yosemite
  • Resolve WindowServer crashing with Rapid Security Response (RSR) installation
    • Primarily applicable for Haswell iGPUs on 13.3.1 (a)
  • Update legacy Wireless binaries
    • Resolve wifi crashing on 13.4 with BCM94322, BCM943224 and Atheros chipsets
  • Backend changes:
      • Expand OS support for IA parsing in SUCatalog
      • Fix spacing regression introduced with .AppleSystemUIFont implementation
  • Increment Binaries:
    • PatcherSupportPkg 0.9.7 - release
  • Build Server Changes:
    • Upgrade CI Host to macOS Monterey
    • Upgrade Xcode to 14.2
    • Switch from altool to notarytool for notarization

Asset Information

相关地址:原始地址 下载(tar) 下载(zip)

1、 AutoPkg-Assets.pkg 641.05MB

2、 641.05MB
