


版本发布时间: 2023-04-27 23:47:04

cosmos/cosmos-sdk最新发布版本:v0.50.6(2024-04-22 17:44:06)

Cosmos SDK v0.47.2 Release Notes

💬 Release Discussion

📝 Changelog

Check out the changelog for an exhaustive list of changes or compare changes from last release.

Refer to the upgrading guide when migrating from v0.46.x to v0.47.0.

🚀 Highlights

For this second patch release of the v0.47.x line, we focused on fixing bugs and improving the developer experience. Missed the v0.47.0 announcement? Read it here.

Notably, a fix for loading archival states (thank you @catShaark). Additionally, the release fixes an issue where querying previous block heights would return an incorrect timestamp.

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