版本发布时间: 2023-04-19 22:08:24
Deci-AI/super-gradients最新发布版本:3.7.1(2024-04-09 00:50:10)
Release notes 3.0.9 Features
Object Detection (Yolox, PPyoloE) predict function on images, videos, GIF, and folders paths. The predict function works out of the box, no need to define pre and post-processing. Both pre and post-processing are taken from the training. Examples here. PR: #815, #804, #807, #829, #845
Support yolov5 format detection dataset by for YoloX, PPyoloE https://github.com/Deci-AI/super-gradients/pull/847
DetectionOutputAdapter tutorial. The DetectionOutputAdapter is a class that converts the output of a detection model into a user-appropriate format.
Predict function on images and videos - taking the pre+post processing from the training recipe.
Added student_adapter feature to KDModule, which lets the user pass a manipulated version of the input to the student model. PR: #820
Introduce min_samples param to dataloader_params, which repeats the dataset in case its size is smaller than the value of this parameter. PR: #838
Bug fixes:
- Bug Fix wandb logger on resume by @Louis-Dupont in #766